How To Lose Belly Fat: 5 Effective Tips

how to lose belly fat stomach tummy women midlife XbyX menopause

We know we are more than our stomachs - but it's not always easy to love your belly. And when it comes to health, too much visceral fat can often be detrimental. In this article, we'll give you 5 tips on how you too can slim down your midriff.

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"Dear belly, you've been with me for so long now. Even if I don't love you every day, you are part of my body. You show that I'm enjoying life and not chastising myself. I no longer chase after every diet trend and that's a good thing." This is the attitude we want to bring when we think about our stomachs.

But, as great as body positivity is, not everyone manages to embrace this mindset wholeheartedly. It's also completely okay to (still) struggle with your tummy and - for whatever reason - want to reduce your belly fat!

When we talk about losing belly fat, we are not talking about exaggerated beauty ideals such as "slim in 6 weeks", "six-pack training" or "size 0 diet". We are concerned with your health. Because this is impaired if too much of a certain type of belly fat accumulates in your centre.

When it comes to belly fat, not all fat is the same

When it comes to abdominal fat in particular, it is important to differentiate which type of fat storage is involved.

Subcutaneous fat is the classic belly fat that you can grab. This subcutaneous fat may bother you, but in moderation it can even have positive properties: It stores energy, keeps your midsection warm and protects against external impacts, such as when we bump into things.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, is located in the abdominal cavity, is deposited on the internal organs and leads to changes in metabolism. It emits around 200 substances, including pro-inflammatory messenger substances (adipokines) and hormones, which have a negative impact on various systems in the body. In particular, inflammatory processes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and insulin resistance are promoted.

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Incidentally, it is not only overweight people who develop dangerous abdominal fat. Even slim people can carry too much visceral abdominal fat. Nevertheless, the abdominal circumference is often a clear indicator of the amount of visceral abdominal fat. And this is where it gets annoying: particularly during the menopause, the proportions in women often shift, meaning the "pear" becomes the "apple".

How to lose belly fat

We'll start with the bad news: unfortunately, you can't lose weight in just one specific area. Your body always draws its energy in the same way, no matter what you do. Firstly, it gets its fuel from the liver and muscles. Only then does it delve into the fat deposits (from all over the body). In short: you cannot spot-reduce fat.

So, if you specifically train your abdominal muscles, this does not mean that the power for this comes from the energy reserves in the abdomen and that you will become slim only in that part of your body. Losing weight only ever works on the whole body - which of course includes, but is not limited to, your "problem areas".

Lose belly fat: 5 tips for a slim belly 


You can't cheat the simple maths: you can only lose weight if you consume more than you take in. So, diet with calorie counting? It's probably best not to because this process can be tricky, overwhelming and time-consuming.

If you consume too few calories, you will quickly run out of important nutrients and slip into starvation metabolism. This is a survival mode that ensures that your system runs even with little fuel. You survive without any problems, but your metabolism is shut down. Your body doesn't burn the food, but stores it for even worse times. And if things get really thin on the nutritional front, your body will even metabolise your own muscles. 

We suggest an alternative: burn extra calories through exercise. This works particularly well with high-intensity interval training, i.e. 20-30 minutes at full throttle. This can be HIIT training or a running session in which you run slowly for 1 minute (approx. 8-10 km/h) and then quickly for 1 minute (approx. 12-14 km/h).


A little explanation is also needed here. The process that melts body fat is called lipolysis. This is the release of free fatty acids from the depot fat (body fat). The fatty acids released in this way can then be transported via the bloodstream to the cell, where they are metabolised.

This lipolysis starts when the freely available fatty acids in the blood slowly run out. However, it is not important for the breakdown of body fat that lipolysis necessarily takes place during training. It is just as good, or even better, if it happens after training.

This is what we call the 'afterburn' effect. To explain: a large amount of energy is required to restore all functional systems in the body. The afterburn effect is particularly high and long-lasting if the previous exercise was very intense. Depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise, the afterburn effect can last up to 48 hours. So make sure you exercise to ensure you reach high intensity, so that you can continue the fat burning process even after you've finished.


The basal metabolic rate is what we use to keep our system running. It depends on age, gender, genetics and the percentage of muscle. In other words, if you have more muscle, you burn more calories even at rest. This closes the circle to the negative calorie balance from tip #1.

Of course, this also happens when you train your abdominal muscles. Training the large muscle groups is at least as useful - and in fact more effective. Because big muscle means big effect.

Researchers at Tokushima University in Japan found that test subjects with strong leg muscles had a significantly lower percentage of abdominal fat than test subjects with weak legs. This is precisely because the muscle groups on the legs are particularly large and therefore consume significantly more energy. So you don't have to lie on the mat for hours doing exercises against abdominal fat. A strengthening full-body workout, such as our Strength Time programme, is perfect.

Of course, you don't have to remove exercises specifically targeting belly fat from your workout routine. Although it is a comparatively small muscle group, your stomach will feel firmer thanks to the targeted muscle activation. And this is also important for a feel-good figure.

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No sport alone can compensate for what you can do to your belly through your diet. The tips for a balanced, slim midsection are of course always the same. But because they are so important, we won't stop mentioning them:

  • Protein is needed to build muscle, keeps you satiated for a long time and doesn't spike our blood sugar levels. So get the protein in. We like to eat a lot of plants, as they score points with other micronutrients and fibre. Try to get at least 30 grams per meal.
  • Fibre is important because it fills you up and improves intestinal function. A healthy intestinal environment in turn has a positive effect on weight. Aim for at least 30 grams per day.
  • Sugar and simple carbohydrates drive up blood sugar levels. If there is a frequent excess, the body stores this "extra energy" in the form of body fat. Drinks in particular - including fruit juices - shoot into the blood really quickly. So avoid sugar as much as possible.
  • Vegetables provide volume with few calories - and lots of vitamins too. Strive for at least 500 grams of tasty greens - or "colourful stuff" - a day.
  • Move away from snacking: eat your fill during your three meals so that you don't need any more snacks.


In stressful situations, the body releases the hormone cortisol. If the stress is chronic and the cortisol level is permanently elevated, this has an effect on the stomach: we crave snacks in the form of carbohydrates and sugar and our metabolism is inhibited. The body is stimulated not to burn the energy we consume, but to store it in (abdominal) fat deposits.

A lack of sleep also stimulates the production of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin, while the satiety hormone leptin tends to be reduced.

So if you want to lose belly fat, you don't just have to work hard, but also take it easy, relax and enjoy a good night's sleep. We know it sounds tricky, but with the right balance of exercise and a healthy diet, falling asleep at the end of the day should feel like a well-earned rest. 

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What to do when the belly fat won't disappear

You're already following all the tips, eating healthily, exercising diligently and yet you're still not losing any belly fat? As a woman over 40, you are not alone. Sometimes there is a medical reason behind weight loss difficulties:

  • Strong hormonal imbalances
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Diabetes or other illnesses

If there is really nothing wrong with your stomach, you should have a check-up with your doctor. If everything is fine, reflect on whether you have inadvertently slipped up with one of the "classics":

  • You eat less, but you also move less = no calorie deficit.
  • You only do strength or cardio training instead of an ideal combination of strength training and HIIT, for example.
  • You stay in your comfort zone during training and don't give your body any new, and yes, strenuous, stimuli.
  • You pay perfect attention to your diet until the afternoon (or even evening) - and then suddenly you end up eating more than you need.
  • Your life is so hectic due to hormonal changes, your job and your naturally lower resistance to stress after 40 that your cortisol levels are constantly high. In this case, losing weight is almost impossible.
  • You want too much too quickly. Losing weight in a short time is not realistic and not healthy. And as already mentioned: losing weight in just one area is not possible, the body decides for itself where to melt its reserves first.