Your individual Evaluation

💗 Thank you very much for your detailed information in the XbyX Check. Below you will find your results and your personal tips! 🌿

graphic estrogen progesteron perimenopause xbyx menopause

Your current hormonal phase

It looks like you're in the perimenopause. This is the period approximately four to ten years before your final menstrual cycle, which we refer to as the "actual" menopause. Perimenopause usually starts in our 40s but can even begin in the mid-30s with subtle symptoms.

The noticeable initial signs include low energy, lack of concentration, forgetfulness, reduced stress resistance and feelings of irritability, anxiety or sadness. Often you might experience perimenopause through stronger PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms, fatigue or poorer sleep.

It is important to ensure you are taking good care of yourself, even if you are completely symptom free, in order to lay the foundation for your health and well-being in your later years.

Top Tips

For perimenopause

This is the time to provide extra support to the liver and intestines for natural detoxification and the brain for concentration and mood.

1. A diet rich in vegetables is excellent for addressing oestrogen dominance and PMS, as well as sleep and mood issues. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods every day, such as dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, all other types of vegetables and fruits, omega-3 fats, fibre, plant-based proteins from peas, lentils and beans, as well as a wide range of fermented foods, all act together to support your hormonal changes and their symptoms.

2. Micronutrients like magnesium, iron, and B-vitamins, bitter drops, and plant extracts like Peri Balance or Take it easy support your body during this demanding phase.

3. Sleep and stress management are especially crucial now. Focus on sleep hygiene, stress reduction, exercise, and outdoor activities to help manage these aspects effectively.

perimenopause xbyx check menopause

Step by Step

Gradual changes are the most successful. Focus on the most important step first. By the way, our name XbyX is composed of 'XX' for the female chromosomes and 'Step by Step' for the gradual optimisation of nutrition and lifestyle. Quite fitting, isn't it? 😊

sleep better xbyx premenopause menopause

Your priority

Reducing Stress & Improving Sleep

Your body remains active day and night, with numerous internal processes constantly at work. These activities ensure that you wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

During the hormonal fluctuations of perimenopause, sleep disturbances are not uncommon. These disturbances result in daytime fatigue, making it challenging to concentrate and leaving individuals on edge. This exacerbates hormonal imbalances and adversely affects the quality of life. Poor sleep impacts hormonal balance, overall well-being, and weight. Following a restless night, individuals appear and feel tired, lacking in energy. Mood, recovery, the immune system, and cognitive abilities are all affected.

Prolonged stress also exacerbates hot flashes and contributes to weight gain. Elevated cortisol, the stress hormone, stimulates appetite and cravings, leading to increased irritability, loss of libido, difficulties in memory and concentration, digestive issues, and sleep problems, as well as premature ageing.

Our recommendation

Take it easy

Remain calm and positive throughout the day with the support of Vitamins B3, B6, B12 and Riboflavin. These nutrients help maintain a balanced nervous system, regulate hormones, protect cells from stress and boost mental well-being. Plus, our innovative formula combines L-theanine, tryptophan, and ashwagandha for optimal results.

Top Tips

For a relax state and tranquility

Though sleep disturbances are common among many women, you possess the ability to actively alleviate stress in your life, resulting in a more serene state.

1. Stress-Reducing Diet: Incorporate foods rich in tryptophan into your meals for improved rest. Salmon, seafood, chicken, cottage cheese and eggs are excellent choices. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake, especially after 2 PM. Check out our recipe "Sweet Slumber with Golden Milk" designed to gently soothe and ease you into a restful night's sleep.

2. Essential Stress-Relieving Nutrients: Consider magnesium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids to support your stress reduction efforts.

3. Herbal and Adaptogenic Support: Turn to herbal remedies like lemon balm, passionflower and lavender, known for their calming effects. Additionally, adaptogens like ashwagandha provide valuable support in managing daily stress for greater tranquillity.

woman relaxing sleeping menopause

4. Stress-Relief Techniques: Practice techniques such as deep belly breathing to alleviate stress. Lie down in a relaxed position and start a 4-7-8 breathing ritual: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale slowly for 8 seconds. Repeat this four to six times.

5. Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is conducive to stress reduction by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. Follow a consistent bedtime routine and reduce screen time in the evening using blue light filters.

Remember, you're not alone in your struggles. Our survey found that 87 percent of participants also deal with sleep disturbances and stress, but there are effective strategies to overcome them.

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